Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week 5 Online Activities

2.5d shapes and assemblies

 Here is the constructed model of my house inspired by the transition space in my house, including the lounge, study and hallway

Front left view. Roof is opaque in 2nd photo to show interior wall

 Right view
Back view view
Laid out view ready for cutting
On the Illustrator template

Week 5 Studio Activities

1:10 paper model of my bedroom

I found paper very easy to work with as it can be easily cut, folded and glued. However its not a very good material to build a large model out of as it struggles to support its own weight. The other issue is my largest pieces of paper are A3 which are only just large enough for this single room.

Cardboard model of my bedroom

Cardboard was more difficult to cut, however it is structurally much more supportive. This model was not built at the 1:10 scale, it is actually 1:25, as I didn't have enough cardboard to make a larger model. I found the glue to be much less effective with cardboard so I experimented with using tape to join the walls instead.

1:20 dream house model


I went back to using paper for the last model for this week. This model includes an extension to my bedroom which would have my own chill out space and an area suitable to host events. The construction struggled to stand up at times so some structural cardboard was used in places which solved this issue.

Folding Techniques

Simple Spiral

